The Netherlands-based food tech company Meatable says it has managed to reduce costs and raise production efficiency of its cultivated meat products, which are on course to be launched in Singapore by next year.
Korean cultivated meat player Seawith says that collaboration needs to be balanced with competition to deliver a ‘great product’ for the market, as it outlines its partnership strategy on both B2B and B2C fronts.
Cultivated meat company Cell AgriTech says it is benefitting from Malaysia’s advantage as a cost-competitive manufacturing hub as it outlines plans to roll out its first cultivated meat product by 2025.
Cell-based meat? Cultivated meat? Differing views have been put forward by the FAO, WHO and industry players in APAC in defining the product, even though everyone seems to acknowledge that a common language is key for consumer education.
Cultivated meat pioneers GOOD Meat believes a stronger ecosystem and more collaboration is needed to convince the wider industry and consumers of its transformative potential.
Cultivated meat pioneers GOOD Meat says that consumer awareness of such products is still relatively low in the Middle East, but that there is significant interest to purchase once they have been exposed to the concept.
There is still a long way to go for cell-cultured meat to become a viable meat alternative due to factors such as the large investment required, cost to the consumer, scalability and the bioavailability of nutrients for good nutrition.
While it’s hard to visualize what a commercial cell-based meat plant might look like as no player in this embryonic field is yet producing it at scale, delegates at a conference in San Francisco were given some insights into how firms are approaching...
San Francisco-based JUST - best-known for its plant-based eggs and mayo – has struck a deal with Japanese Wagyu beef producer Toriyama, and meat and seafood supplier Awano Food Group, to develop, sell, and market cell-cultured Wagyu beef products.