Greater attention should be paid to diet and nutrient intake, especially vitamin D, to improve bone mineral density among premenopausal women, say Saudi Arabian researchers.
There is “no significant difference” between the efficacy of daily and intermittent vitamin D supplementation under equivalent dosage and duration conditions, say Chinese researchers.
Public health strategies for increasing vitamin D intake among young people are urgently needed in Hong Kong, claim researchers, after a new study found widespread deficiency and an association with cardiometabolic disease risk factors.
Insufficient vitamin D has been associated with diabetes by way of altering insulin secretion and resistance, but individual differences in vitamin D sensitivity mean that there are variations in its effect.
APAC’s nutrition industry needs to do more to educate consumers that preventative approaches leading to healthy ageing must be adopted at a younger age.
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of respiratory infections among Indian children aged six to 30 months, a new trial has found.
Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy is linked to an increased risk of autism in children by the age of six, Australian researchers have found, who argue low cost supplementation for at-risk mothers is merited.
Campaigns against vitamin D deficiency have gained prominence in the western world but the dietary issue is just as relevant in Asia, according to supplier DSM, even if sunlight hours are greater than most regions.